Monday, September 17, 2012


I have tried many, many different products to “cure“ my adult acne but nothing seemed to be working for me. I have recently been reading many positive reviews about REN products (, a company out of the U.K. and currently added Clearcalm 3 Anti-Blemish Day Fluid to my existing skin care routine. Even though REN promotes this as one part of a three part system, I was worried that with many aging skin, using the whole product line might prove to be too drying for my skin, so I just added this one product to start.

First off, I was really excited to try this. In addition to the positive reviews it has received, REN Skincare avoids using a lot of the nasties that I prefer to avoid, such as sulfates, parabens, synthetic colours and fragrances and photochemicals. What they do include is number of interesting ingredients:

Calcium Carbonate: Exfoliates the skin and helps minimizes pores.

Zinc Gluconate: Helps heal acne lesions, prevent the recurrence of acne and it may also lower the incidence of scarring after an acne outbreak. However, most studies done on Zinc Gluconate's effectiveness are based on oral supplements, rather than topical application.

Licorice Extract: Licorice’s main component, glycyrrhizinate acid, is a potent antioxidant that is an effective anti-inflammatory and moisturizer with the ability to brighten and lighten the skin and reduce the production of sebum.

Salicilin: Found naturally in willow bark, Salicilin stimulates the production of skin cells and aids in the excretion of dirt and oil on the skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties have the reported ability to reduce the visible signs of skin aging when applied topically.

Japanese Konjac Root: Provides gentle exfoliation, stimulates circulation and promotes skin cell regeneration.

Hyaluronic acid: Has been promoted, by some, as a new wonder ingredient which is said to make the skin smoother.

All these things sound wonderful, but now my test. I received the Clearcalm 3 Anti-Blemish Day Fluid in the in the afternoon, cost $50.00 CAN. I couldn’t wait until the next day to try it; so instead, I used it that evening after I cleansed my face, just before bedtime. At the time I had 3 really ugly sore pimples, one on my chin, one just below my lower lip, one on my left cheek and two smaller ones on my forehead. The Day Fluid comes in a pump applicator, which I do like as I think it is more sanitary, but it took lots, and I mean lots, of pumps to get it started, hmm not a good first impression. I actually had to hit it upside down a couple of times on the bathroom countertop to get it started, but once it did get started, the fluid pumped out quite easily. Second impression: it smells terrible, but once I applied it, the smell was gone. I can live with that. It really didn’t take very much product at all, 2 small pumps, and it absorbed into the skin quite quickly. I went to bed loving the way it felt on my skin, rather silky. Now here is the kicker… I woke up the next morning and I couldn’t believe how nice my skin looked, healthy and smooth are words that come to mind and while my pimples didn’t disappear overnight, it was like they were well on their way to being healed. I have never, ever experienced such an instant response to a product. I could not believe it. I have continued to use it for over a week now and I love the way my skin looks I have never used a product that has produced such great results in such a short period of time and with none of the dryness and redness that often occurs with a lot of acne products. I think I may be in love!

Next addition to the regime: DDF (Doctor’s Dermatologic Formula) Sulfur Therapeutic Mask.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Adult Acne...Searching for a Cure

56 years old and you would think that my main skin care concerns would be limited to wrinkles, lines and sagging skin, but no. Over the past several months, my chin has broken out in a mass of huge, ugly and very sore acne pimples. How unfair is that? First step off to the Esthetician, they are the experts right? Her question to me is, "Why are you breaking out?" My response, "I'm don't know that's why I am here" I have a facial and while it is very relaxing and the massage is fabulous (I think she has magic fingers) my skin does feel nice on the areas where there is no acne, but it has done nothing for the area that has broken out so badly. I am sent away with a Dermological Skin Serum and tinted moisturizer. I am told not to use foundation as it is too heavy and not allowing my skin to breath. This, apparently, is what is causing my skin to break out. No foundation is a horrifying thought as I am not prepared to bare my horrible complexion to the world. I need the foundation; I need the concealor and the pressed powder to go on top! But I comply. After two days my skin is worse I now have spots on my forehead, in addition to those on my chin. I spend hours on the internet searching for something, anything that will work, I try Benzoyl Peroxide, I try salicylic acid and Retinoid Cream; no results except for red, flakey skin. A $50 prescription for the Dermatologist worked as long as I took it but as soon as I stopped everything came back. Another trip to another Esthetician who specializes in natural skin care products formulated specifically for individual skin types. I am told that my breakouts are hormonal and that I must be under stress. My skin looks better for a few days and then back to being horrible. More internet searches. Two new products ordered and they arrived last week in the mail. One week later and I am delighted with my results this far. Stay tuned and I will share my products with you.